‘How I took the most awesome Australian weather picture ever’: Photographer reveals secret behind the tsunami cloud that went viral (he took it with an iPhone)
From: The Daily Telegraph March 06, 2014 Storm clouds roll over Bondi Beach in Damian Shaw’s epic weather photograph. Source: DailyTelegraph
Photographer Damian Shaw, Source: Facebook
IT’S the incredible weather photo that created a storm on social media. And it was taken with a simple smart phone.
Daily Telegraph photographer Damian Shaw took the amazing snap of a tsunami-like formation of black clouds over North Bondi on his i-Phone 5S at 4.37pm. He uploaded it to Instagram and watched on as it lit up social media. As of 4pm today, a post of the photo on the Telegraph’s Facebook page had a massive reach beyond 1.2 million, had been liked 19,628 times and shared 7212 times.
Shaw was not even working at the time. “I had the day off so I was snorkelling at North Bondi,” he said. “It was sunny and a really magic day and then all of a sudden we saw the black clouds. “We decided to stay on and watch it roll in.”
Despite a warning message from the lifeguard tower to evacuate the beach, Shaw remained and snapped away on his phone. He took about 90 pics, a few of which he uploaded to social media. “I just thought I might get a few extra likes on Instagram,” Shaw said. “I certainly didn’t expect it to go as far as it has.” Shaw began his carrer at local newspapers, working for more than 10 years at Cumberland Newspapers, now known at NewsLocal before joining the Telegraph a couple of years ago. The flash storm battered Sydney and proved a nightmare for peak-hour commuters, with a number of roads and train lines suffering minor flooding.